the state and indigenous legal cultures: law in search of legitimacy

Ghislain Otis participates at an international symposium on territorial challenges facing the Pacific in New Caledonia

Author: Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la diversité juridique et les peuples autochtones
Published on:05 July at 03:49PM


Mr. Ghislain Otis presented his conference: « L’enjeu territorial autochtone » at an international symposium at the Laboratoire de Recherche Juridique et Économique at the University of New Caledonia on July 4, 2018. Prior to his conference, a collaborator of the Research Chair on Legal Diversity and Indigenous Peoples, Mr. François Féral, Professor Emeritus at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, presented his conference titled: « Les territoires marins et les droits des populations fragiles ».


The third Pasifika Law and Culture Conference

Author:Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la diversité Juridique et les peuples autochtones
Published on:20 July at 09:00AM

The third Pasifika Law and Culture Conference was held at Victoria University of Welling in Australia from the 4th to the 6th of July.

Reform of Customary Marriage, Divorce and Succession in South Africa: Living Customary Law and Social Realities.

Author:Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la diversité juridique et les peuples autochtones
Published on:12 June at 03:13PM

Professor Chuma Himonga the coinvestigator leading the South Africa team involved in the SSHRC partnership project, with her colleague Elena More wrote a book entitled Reform of Customary Marriage, Divorce and Succession in South Africa: Living Customary Law and Social Realities.

International Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism

Author:Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la diversité juridique et les peuples autochtones
Published on:05 January at 04:00PM

From 14th to 16th of December, prof. Ghislain Otis and prof. Jennifer Corrin attended the International Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism. Held at the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai, the conference focused this year on emerging areas that have gained momentum due to globalization, the emergence of ‘knowledge economies’, and the evolution of high-tech capitalism. 

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